“How often do you let yourself truly be seen?”


“I had a session with Veronica today and it was AMAZING! She has a true gift and it was amazing to watch her and hear the profound messages that she shared, all of which were spot on. I have done a lot of work like this and have to say that my session with Veronica is one of the most profound experiences that I have had. She gave me some insight that is opening a new door of healing for me. Thank you Veronica - you are a true gift!”

Kathy - North Carolina

“Thank you so much! Because of you, I knew where to go when it was time to site in the pain. I had much resistance, but I surrendered and went there, and I stayed. It’s a dozy, my 20’s. I will be spending more time there with her. My heart is full of gratitude for this process and the support of beautiful God’s daughters like you. Thank you so much.”

Angelica - Arizona

“Veronica is a blessing and gift - she has tremendously helped me! She has provided a way for reintroducing me with that long lost part of me that I have been neglecting for so so long - my inner child! I have had amazing results by listening to what my little girl wants. Through this healing I have learned how to love myself, truly love myself. I am forever grateful to Veronica.”

Gianina - San Diego, California

“Veronica Paris has a gift that is nothing short of remarkable, and contains an ability truly unique to her. She ever so gently serves as a powerful source in connection and integration of inner-child healing, that brings forth permanent release of old patterns and personality programs. I could not experience the freedom I now have without her beautiful magic.”

River - San Diego, California

“Veronica is an angel.  She helped me realize a pattern I was doing my whole entire life.   I was attracted to unavailable men and abusive men.  She helped me heal myself , my inner child and become my true authentic self ! I can’t say enough good things about how she has helped me move forward with my life and let the past be the past!”

Valerie - New Jersey

“Veronica described My inner Child, My Mother and the upbringing I had with such accuracy it was astonishing. The session opened a deep connection between Me and My Maternal Grandmother, who died when My Mother was 12 years old. The information from My Grandmother through Veronica is having an impact on how I see Myself and the Gifts I have to give to the World. This was a huge breakthrough in finding Myself and My purpose for being on this planet. I highly recommend a session with Veronica.”

Oshi - Oregon

Veronica, I cannot thank you enough for helping me through my journey. I am grateful for the tools and techniques you provided me with. They have helped me immensely in achieving a new level of embodiment. By using the detached perspective technique, I am able to observe myself without judgment. This has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of my thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Moreover, it has enabled me to cultivate greater self-awareness and make conscious and positive changes in my life. Your guidance has truly been invaluable, and I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to work with you.

Scott - Long Valley, New Jersey

Working with Veronica has been extremely valuable to my personal and spiritual growth. She held the space I needed for my healing journey with her compassionate yet powerful guidance. Her wisdom opened the doors for me to heal the deepest parts of my wounds and she gave me the tools I needed to reach true and lasting healing. Even though working on ourselves is a continuous process in life, I have learned and been empowered by Veronica to recalibrate myself from living in a wounded state of suffering to a state of balance, freedom and inner peace. Veronica was truly a guiding light on my path to wholeness and healing.

Marisa - San Diego, California

With Veronica's guidance, I was able to open up fully to receive powerful inner wisdom and connect with myself on levels I didn't even know where possible. She offered so much dedication and compassion in my journey while also keeping me on track with my intentions. She lovingly guided me to go deeper with myself which enabled me to meet my inner child, listen to her and love her. That was just one of the monumental healing moments in my journey. Never have I experienced so much beauty and love for myself. I am forever grateful. Thank you Veronica. You are a true medicine woman!

Cassie - San Diego, California

My experience with Veronica was indescribable in words. If you are willing to go on an inward journey and do the work, Veronica is one of the most caring, loving souls you will every meet. She has a powerful gift in this area. I came to California to heal myself and Veronica helped me achieve that. The whole process and surroundings were so peaceful. I would describe her as a Spiritual Mother whose souls intention is to help others. I also grew up with Veronica and we reconnected after many years. So I know first hand her experiences and how much she has overcome. She is a true Spiritual Warrior.

Tommy - Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

I started working with Veronica at a time when I felt I used all my tools and learnings but needed more guidance and support. She was able to tap into parts of me that I had forgotten so that I was able to acknowledge and heal those parts. Veronica has a gift of uncovering what needs attention, and she helps you work through those parts. She is an amazing healer. I’d highly recommend her.

Clarence Russell - Austin, Texas

I have been working with Veronica weekly over the last 2 1/2 months. This time with her has been deeply transformative and healing for me! It's been a long path of healing for me, trying many modalities and this is just what I needed to get to the deepest layers that I haven't been able to reach. For so long I have been very emotionally sensitive, in ways that I didn't know how to cope with at times and would affect my close relationships. With Veronica's masterful intuition, channeling, and loving presence I faced and found completion with a wounded part of myself that was causing underlying sadness, defensiveness, and insecurity. Through her support, I am stronger, I have more energy, and I am more aligned with the mature woman that I have wanted to be with a greater sense of self-worth ♥️ I am forever grateful, and I highly recommend working with her!

Angela Povse - Carlsbad, California

Veronica is an incredible healer and spiritual guide whom I’ve been seeing for a few years now. Her gift around trauma healing, inner child work, healing fragmented energies, and also tapping into my spirit guides and my ancestors for messages intended for me is absolutely profound and incredibly sacred.

Sherry Love - Austin, Texas