Ways I can support your healing

1. Identifying what needs healing

Often times, clients are unsure exactly what's wrong. They just know they are not happy. As an Intuitive Healer, I connect to the aspects of you that have been long repressed and feel unattainable to connect to alone. Utilizing both Energy/Spiritual and Clinical modalities, together we create an incredibly safe, sacred and powerful experience that offers your heart clarity, hope and profound healing.

2. Inner child healing

Going within to connect to the inner child can often be a scary place to explore, especially alone. It can lead to confusion, fear and overwhelm. I assist clients in being the "medium" between them and their inner child wounds. Together we identify what needs healing and love, which leads to a powerful realignment of the grown self and the inner child.

3. Elfin Experience

Come be embraced by the serene beauty of Elfin Forest. In this sacred healing container we walk into a special place in the woods to drop into it’s magical wonders and wisdom. This is approximately a 3 hour healing journey. Plant medicine optional.

4. Plant Medicine

Many who have been on the healing journey for some time, begin to feel called to explore plant medicine for deeper integration and healing either by Psychedelic-Assisted Sessions (micro-dosing) or a deeper dive in a private ceremony. This is my most sacred work and it is my honor to sit with those who feel called and safe in my co-creating this sacred container with them.

5. Channeling

Whether it be in a one-on-one private session, my women's group gathering or a private home gathering, connecting to the higher realms and channeling sacred messages of wisdom, love and guidance is another area of my work. Often loved ones who have transitions and Star families are eager to connect and provide you with guidance and messages of love and hope.

Complimentary Discovery Session

30 minute virtual session to discover what areas of your life are ready to shift and how I can support your transformation.